To complete this form on a Mac:
1. Click the icon to the right.
2. Download the file (go to "file" and "Export as PDF" in Safari or click on the download icon in Chrome).

To complete this form on a PC:
1. Click the icon to the left.
2. Download the file (click on the download icon in Chrome or the save icon in Microsoft Edge).


3. Open the PDF using Preview
4. Fill in the fields simply by clicking and typing.
5. Where signatures are required, use Preview's signature function. To do this, click the "Tool Markup Bar" button. This will reveal the signature tool, which allows you to click and drag your signature where needed.

3. Open the PDF using Microsoft Edge.
4. Fill in the fields simply by clicking and typing.
5. Where signatures are required, use Edge's draw function to draw your signature.

6. Once you've completed the form, open the settings & more button (three dots in the top right corner) and select "print." Click the on the printer drop down menu and select "Save as PDF." Send that file to us as

6. Once you've completed the form, click "File" & "Save" and then "File" & "Export as PDF." Exporting will create a new file that ensures all the fields remain filled out. IMPORTANT: send us the file that has been exported as a PDF, not the file that has been saved. Send the document to

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